We are foolish and innocent, but with God's light, we can be wise. doing something bad or inconsiderate is much easier than doing good which is why we must put effort into being good.
We should avoid the company of hypocrites and bad influences. No matter how much we detest one thing, they might be able to convince us simply because they are the people we gather with. It is disturbing that a person can change his views quickly with proper persuasion.
If we care too much about our physical characteristics, we won't notice what's inside us, what's inside us is what matters. the outward show passes quickly with time, but what matters most is what's in our hearts which is something that doesn't pass quickly with time, it passes when we change our views it can be for the better, or it can be for worse.
We must be modest. everything we have came from God and not by our own means.
God gives us lots of blessings, we must focus on Him rather than our problems, with Him, all our worries will all seem little and we won't be burdened by it because God is working in us.
The power in praise is not changing our circumstance but it changes us.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Co-work with God
We are weak because we are humans, and in our weakness, that's where God's power is most obvious. We can't really do anything if it weren't from God's grace. Even every beat of our heart is God's grace. We must not let other things occupy what we must offer to the Lord.
We must love God diligently. I have noticed how much people rely on God only because they need His grace on that time and they don't really put their hearts into it. They only mutter some pleas then leave for a more urgent business...
Also the things regarding ignorance "God judges us based on what we know" and a child can easily be excused from sin simply because they didn't know. A person can know a lot of things and some chooses not to know. Some people already know that it might end up wrong, that there are consequences yet refuses to listen bringing up the excuse, "I didn't know!" one kind of ignorance is not knowing because he wasn't aware that there is such a thing or that there might be consequences, the other one is choosing not to know when the book lies open and he refuses to look at it. this one can cost, we should learn in order to know what is right since we were given knowledge of right and wrong.
But still, some people simply chooses to pretend not to know to avoid blame.
What we have, we must offer to God, for these are the things He let us have to help us and to let us help others.
We must love God diligently. I have noticed how much people rely on God only because they need His grace on that time and they don't really put their hearts into it. They only mutter some pleas then leave for a more urgent business...
Also the things regarding ignorance "God judges us based on what we know" and a child can easily be excused from sin simply because they didn't know. A person can know a lot of things and some chooses not to know. Some people already know that it might end up wrong, that there are consequences yet refuses to listen bringing up the excuse, "I didn't know!" one kind of ignorance is not knowing because he wasn't aware that there is such a thing or that there might be consequences, the other one is choosing not to know when the book lies open and he refuses to look at it. this one can cost, we should learn in order to know what is right since we were given knowledge of right and wrong.
But still, some people simply chooses to pretend not to know to avoid blame.
What we have, we must offer to God, for these are the things He let us have to help us and to let us help others.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Keep on LeArning
Karlene taught me so many things and how I wish I really wrote down everything she said... I'll share what I did remember...
She said, first must be putting God in the center of everything, I think this is always the main point, God's will, faith in God, fellowship with the Lord. The story in the Bible tells about the time when Peter was trying to make sure if it was Jesus and he asked that if He were really Jesus, He'd let him walk on water. he did walk on water, looking directly at Jesus, but once the waves got bigger, he lost to his fears and sunk. Just like us, the water is the problem we're facing, Peter can be us, the waves is the devil, trying to distract us, keeping our faith in Jesus and not wavering from it will keep us afloat no matter how big the waves are or how deep the waters are.
She also told me the story about Daniel's friends and how they trusted the Lord so much that even the fiery furnace can't burn them. I really want to grow in faith and one day become like those men... trusting the Lord completely with their lives.
I still have much to learn and I bet a huge part of it would come from Karlene. next time, I'll really bring a notebook and try to absorb as much as I can from her.
She said, first must be putting God in the center of everything, I think this is always the main point, God's will, faith in God, fellowship with the Lord. The story in the Bible tells about the time when Peter was trying to make sure if it was Jesus and he asked that if He were really Jesus, He'd let him walk on water. he did walk on water, looking directly at Jesus, but once the waves got bigger, he lost to his fears and sunk. Just like us, the water is the problem we're facing, Peter can be us, the waves is the devil, trying to distract us, keeping our faith in Jesus and not wavering from it will keep us afloat no matter how big the waves are or how deep the waters are.
She also told me the story about Daniel's friends and how they trusted the Lord so much that even the fiery furnace can't burn them. I really want to grow in faith and one day become like those men... trusting the Lord completely with their lives.
I still have much to learn and I bet a huge part of it would come from Karlene. next time, I'll really bring a notebook and try to absorb as much as I can from her.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bible study with Karlene
I was unavailable at the actual time of Bible Study but Karlene is a great blessing, she discussed with me what she discussed in BS and it was really fruitful. I learned once again. Doing our best for God is a fruitful work, unlike doing our best, simply because we want it for ourselves is dry. If we rely on Him and do our best for Him, we will never get tired or frustrated. Just like what was said to Solomon about building a sanctuary for the Lord. to make it magnificent and unique.
Also she taught me of God's magnificence... I do appreciate God's hand made, but she said it in a deeper way, about God's work never being mediocre, always the best, every single piece is one of a kind. the same specie yet, when you look really close, it's different still.
Every time I meet with Karlene, I learn a lot, I owe a big part of my growth in faith from her...
Also she taught me of God's magnificence... I do appreciate God's hand made, but she said it in a deeper way, about God's work never being mediocre, always the best, every single piece is one of a kind. the same specie yet, when you look really close, it's different still.
Every time I meet with Karlene, I learn a lot, I owe a big part of my growth in faith from her...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
untitled poem
Jesus, my Savior, my life,
I am but Your lowly servant,
Yet You willingly sacrificed,
Helping us realize Your light.
I don't worth anything at all,
Yet You somehow find my purpose,
You let me respond to Your call,
And under Your wings find repose.
You are the Lord, my only God,
You let my heart beat unceasing,
I find comfort in the praises that I sing,
Let me sing some more for You, Lord.
I am but Your lowly servant,
Yet You willingly sacrificed,
Helping us realize Your light.
I don't worth anything at all,
Yet You somehow find my purpose,
You let me respond to Your call,
And under Your wings find repose.
You are the Lord, my only God,
You let my heart beat unceasing,
I find comfort in the praises that I sing,
Let me sing some more for You, Lord.
Consulting God
In the old books of the Bible telling stories about David's reign as God's chosen king, David once made a mistake of not consulting God and the result was... constant loss in battle. Like David, we tend to be self reliant simply because that is something we can account for, but relying on God is much much more reliable. We can never control the circumstances we are in but God can, also, instead of constant pleading and begging for things, we must thank Him and praise Him instead for every single problem that came accross you, and every single good thing He did for you. Those circumstances were all useful to make you as you are right now.
Also, never look at other people's short comings. You know it well enough as I do, we are as imperfect as the other person. All of us are, but we must never look at their shortcomings, instead, look at ours and have a greater faith in God for He is happy the way He made us, so should we, and He's happy the way He made that other person, so should we.
Last thing, the Lord judges us based on what we know. for example. If you don't know that it's not good to tell people prank but hurtful things, you'll be forgiven, "ignorance" but once you already know that it's wrong, never do it again. Just like David's situation in the old books of the Bible, The king of Philistines delivered the Ark by a new cart which was forbidden according to the laws of Moses, David knew this but didn't act on it so He made a mistake. We should avoid doing the things we know are wrong, it is not excusable by ignorance, instead, you'll be branded as a fool.
Also, never look at other people's short comings. You know it well enough as I do, we are as imperfect as the other person. All of us are, but we must never look at their shortcomings, instead, look at ours and have a greater faith in God for He is happy the way He made us, so should we, and He's happy the way He made that other person, so should we.
Last thing, the Lord judges us based on what we know. for example. If you don't know that it's not good to tell people prank but hurtful things, you'll be forgiven, "ignorance" but once you already know that it's wrong, never do it again. Just like David's situation in the old books of the Bible, The king of Philistines delivered the Ark by a new cart which was forbidden according to the laws of Moses, David knew this but didn't act on it so He made a mistake. We should avoid doing the things we know are wrong, it is not excusable by ignorance, instead, you'll be branded as a fool.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
every single detail
Have you ever felt afraid because of the circumstances in your life and whether it will get better or not?
For the past 18 years of my life, I had too many fears to enumerate and too many doubts to tell, I was afraid that I might never get out of the problem I sank in, I was afraid that things might become worse, I was afraid that I might be stuck on a situation I don't want. I admit that I have a very poor faith before, but it somehow got stronger now thanks to some people.
It's always scary to look at your life while it's in chaos, I thought that I wanted to die and I even prayed for it, just to end everything. but now that I know better, I'm thankful that I experienced them and that I never dared to suicide. it would have been a total waste of God's plan for me, I wouldn't have made new friends and I wouldn't have been able to learn new things. I really thank God that I was able to get over those problems and to learn a little more and to grow a little more.
When we're in a deep hole, let's always look upward and never stop hoping that someone will come to help. Climbing that hole by yourself will be fruitless if no one from above will pull you. just like in the Bible:
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. (Psalms 127:1)
There is not one bird that fell that God didn't know, just as He knows the exact number of strands of your hair (not exact words)
He planned every single detail of your life, be it your ups or your downs, He never forgot you even for the tiniest fraction of a second and He is always there for you. Learn how to praise Him in every circumstances and never forget how He designed every detail of your physical characteristics and every detail of your life. it's up to you to have faith in Him and find His purpose for every circumstances, because God's grace is strongest at your weakest...
God Bless! He always watches you and will never abandon you, never.
For the past 18 years of my life, I had too many fears to enumerate and too many doubts to tell, I was afraid that I might never get out of the problem I sank in, I was afraid that things might become worse, I was afraid that I might be stuck on a situation I don't want. I admit that I have a very poor faith before, but it somehow got stronger now thanks to some people.
It's always scary to look at your life while it's in chaos, I thought that I wanted to die and I even prayed for it, just to end everything. but now that I know better, I'm thankful that I experienced them and that I never dared to suicide. it would have been a total waste of God's plan for me, I wouldn't have made new friends and I wouldn't have been able to learn new things. I really thank God that I was able to get over those problems and to learn a little more and to grow a little more.
When we're in a deep hole, let's always look upward and never stop hoping that someone will come to help. Climbing that hole by yourself will be fruitless if no one from above will pull you. just like in the Bible:
There is not one bird that fell that God didn't know, just as He knows the exact number of strands of your hair (not exact words)
He planned every single detail of your life, be it your ups or your downs, He never forgot you even for the tiniest fraction of a second and He is always there for you. Learn how to praise Him in every circumstances and never forget how He designed every detail of your physical characteristics and every detail of your life. it's up to you to have faith in Him and find His purpose for every circumstances, because God's grace is strongest at your weakest...
God Bless! He always watches you and will never abandon you, never.
Friday, March 6, 2009
His creations
I kept on coming back to the roof while chatting with my friend, so he told me to take a picture rather than keep on going up and down the roof, so here it is, but sadly, I didn't use tripod because I can't find it...sorry if it's a little off...
Tuesday night, I was amazed at how pretty the stars were and how lovely the crescent moon is. I am simply amazed at how God arranged all of them, from every single of those plentiful stars to each phase of the moon. Reminding us of how powerful He is. I was overwhelmed by the beautiful night sky and how much stars there actually are compared to what I can see with my poor vision. I even went up the roof just to look at them (good thing Mama and Papa didn't notice me missing).
I really am grateful God let me witness that wonderful night sky and reallize how tiny I am compared to the vast sky. I felt so refreshed after seeing the stars and realizing how wonderful God's creations are once again... each star in its own place, each star as big as our own sun, and yet, God designed the wide universe and much more of it still hidden from our knowledge. He designed all of it, the constellations, the planets, our galaxy, even other unexplored galaxies. We just can't help but marvel at His wonderful creations, I really feel so blessed that He arranged the sequence of my life as well.
I just wonder, did God made aliens as well?
Tuesday night, I was amazed at how pretty the stars were and how lovely the crescent moon is. I am simply amazed at how God arranged all of them, from every single of those plentiful stars to each phase of the moon. Reminding us of how powerful He is. I was overwhelmed by the beautiful night sky and how much stars there actually are compared to what I can see with my poor vision. I even went up the roof just to look at them (good thing Mama and Papa didn't notice me missing).
I really am grateful God let me witness that wonderful night sky and reallize how tiny I am compared to the vast sky. I felt so refreshed after seeing the stars and realizing how wonderful God's creations are once again... each star in its own place, each star as big as our own sun, and yet, God designed the wide universe and much more of it still hidden from our knowledge. He designed all of it, the constellations, the planets, our galaxy, even other unexplored galaxies. We just can't help but marvel at His wonderful creations, I really feel so blessed that He arranged the sequence of my life as well.
I just wonder, did God made aliens as well?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Four things
Well the preacher said that anonymity is not showing off, but to be honest, humans were maid proud and simply loves to show off, but they also said that the life you have anonymously is your life with God. only He and you knows about it.
Jesus grew up in Nazareth, which is actually not a famous town. He lived in anonymity for 30 years before finally revealing himself.
Humility, being humble, emptying one's self. if we apply this, it'll be easier for us to live a life of anonymity. When a man becomes proud, he will cease to grow. Jesus rode on a donkey to enter a city, not in a majestic manner, no horse, no body guards, none of the things you'll expect from a powerful person. Being humble is hard because you have to empty yourself and let go of trying to impress people.
Full Governance
Accept God's full governance and you can accomplish what you want and what He wants. Leave it up to Him and follow what He instruct you to. You can hear Him speak to you, but sometimes we can't decipher what the voice says. what we need to do is let go of our self reliance, our sight is very shallow, God can see what lies yonder. Let Him decide for us.
Mindful of the Father's business
"To do the will of God" is knowing what He needs of us instead of what we need with Him. He uses us to help others in various ways. Like what Jesus said "feeding Him when He was hungry," and those along that line, doing things for God. We must realize what needs be done, or sometimes, He'll just let us be ourselves and somehow be of great help to another. I really believe that God works through people. Giving you the exact person He knows can help you with a certain problem.
This thing is not among the four but is important as well, We must have a fixed schedule on our fellowship with the Lord, and we can do it anytime, anywhere. He is always with us. :)
Well the preacher said that anonymity is not showing off, but to be honest, humans were maid proud and simply loves to show off, but they also said that the life you have anonymously is your life with God. only He and you knows about it.
Jesus grew up in Nazareth, which is actually not a famous town. He lived in anonymity for 30 years before finally revealing himself.
Humility, being humble, emptying one's self. if we apply this, it'll be easier for us to live a life of anonymity. When a man becomes proud, he will cease to grow. Jesus rode on a donkey to enter a city, not in a majestic manner, no horse, no body guards, none of the things you'll expect from a powerful person. Being humble is hard because you have to empty yourself and let go of trying to impress people.
Full Governance
Accept God's full governance and you can accomplish what you want and what He wants. Leave it up to Him and follow what He instruct you to. You can hear Him speak to you, but sometimes we can't decipher what the voice says. what we need to do is let go of our self reliance, our sight is very shallow, God can see what lies yonder. Let Him decide for us.
Mindful of the Father's business
"To do the will of God" is knowing what He needs of us instead of what we need with Him. He uses us to help others in various ways. Like what Jesus said "feeding Him when He was hungry," and those along that line, doing things for God. We must realize what needs be done, or sometimes, He'll just let us be ourselves and somehow be of great help to another. I really believe that God works through people. Giving you the exact person He knows can help you with a certain problem.
This thing is not among the four but is important as well, We must have a fixed schedule on our fellowship with the Lord, and we can do it anytime, anywhere. He is always with us. :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
In the anticipated Mass I attended, I fell asleep at some parts of the Homily and can't understand the priest's voice much, I guess I was too tired because of the NSTP...
Well I got the last part at least... The priest said that Christians must be Christianizers as well, meaning, we must spread the word, even in little things that we are capable of. I was thinking, some people just laughs at the idea of religion and it's just bothersome at times to try changing them. But the good thing is, some people are really looking for a person to change them, it's just that they can't find that person yet and trying to be a Christianizer, we might be that person that can help them get closer to God. Like in some circumstances where a person can greatly improve a person's life. It is upon God's arrangement that you met that person and that person is actually needing someone exactly like you.
We must at least try to do our part just like another person helped us get closer to God. Well for me, the one who helped me was my classmate, Ian. I only met him last term, yet he improved my faith on God a lot. I thank God for that person as well as so may other people who helped me.
Well I got the last part at least... The priest said that Christians must be Christianizers as well, meaning, we must spread the word, even in little things that we are capable of. I was thinking, some people just laughs at the idea of religion and it's just bothersome at times to try changing them. But the good thing is, some people are really looking for a person to change them, it's just that they can't find that person yet and trying to be a Christianizer, we might be that person that can help them get closer to God. Like in some circumstances where a person can greatly improve a person's life. It is upon God's arrangement that you met that person and that person is actually needing someone exactly like you.
We must at least try to do our part just like another person helped us get closer to God. Well for me, the one who helped me was my classmate, Ian. I only met him last term, yet he improved my faith on God a lot. I thank God for that person as well as so may other people who helped me.
Work hard!
(Psalms 37:16)
Well, these passage caught my attenction and I believe it so much. I want a lot of people to read it because discontent leads to envy and envy can amplify temptation thus, making us sin. If we trust that the little we gain honestly is good enough and is more pleasing to Lord then we must be contented. What we are and who we are is exactly as God created us to be, as He planned us to be and as we should really be. If He is contented with how we are, why must we seek to become someone whom we are not? the talents we don't have or the abilities we can't gain, let us be thankful because that's exactly how He wanted us to be.
A professor from Benilde called Sir Pepe said, people might be born with more nimble fingers or better genes but no one is born a pianist or a model or anything at all.
we were actually born naked and without anything at all. But through His plan, we get the abilities He designed us to have. If He wanted us to learn piano, then He would've made a circumstance where we can learn so. If not, that means He needs you with something else.
I used to be really frustrated with how I seem to not be able to shut my mouth. I always irritate people with my talkativeness and loud voice. I badly wanted to change but I really can't. Even if I manage to be quiet for a few while then after that, I become noisy again. I really felt bad about my self esteem and with some of my characteristics as well, like how I laugh, how yellow my teeth were or how carefree I seem to be that might have been bothersome to others. But I realized during our Bible study that He wanted me to be like that because He needs me to do something for another person. That person is Karlene and thanks to her I have a better understanding of "NOT grumbling to the Lord" because I realize that those characteristics of mine might be bothersome to others but can also help. I really thank God to find Karlene as a friend. She's a great blessing to every friend of hers.
I suddenly remember how God sends angels to the people He holds dear, I honesly believe that Karlene is one.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Bible study
Well today is the first day I attended a Bible study and I am suprised... I used to think Bible studies are boring but today, it really changed my perspective. I learned a lot especially from Karlene. She was the one who led the Bible study. She told us her problems and how God helped her. I really want to be as strong in faith as the people I went with to the Bible study, they were really homely and you'd feel wecome to share your feelings.
What she told us were really good passages from the Bible, the parts where we should trust Him for every trouble we have. Trusting in Him for every need that arises because "He can put wilderness into the dessert" and such from those lines... impossible right? for Him it's not.
I'm really thankful for this opportunity to learn more about God and I really look forward to the next time I can join them again.
'Protect me, O God, I trust in You for safety.
I say to the Lord. "You are my Lord; all the good things I have are from You"
How excellent are the Lord's faithful people!
My greatest pleasure is to be with them.' (Psalms 16:1-3)
(written on February 27 '09)
What she told us were really good passages from the Bible, the parts where we should trust Him for every trouble we have. Trusting in Him for every need that arises because "He can put wilderness into the dessert" and such from those lines... impossible right? for Him it's not.
I'm really thankful for this opportunity to learn more about God and I really look forward to the next time I can join them again.
I say to the Lord. "You are my Lord; all the good things I have are from You"
How excellent are the Lord's faithful people!
My greatest pleasure is to be with them.' (Psalms 16:1-3)
(written on February 27 '09)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
In the worship service today, they said we shouldn't only pray with ready words, as the one who held the service said... "babbling" we should pray with words and meanings that comes from the spirit or else the prayer won't have much sense. I think what they're trying to say is we must mean what we say.
There is also that feeling of relief as if from a heavy burden and you feel like you are somehow carefree and light, I didn't really understood much at that part because it was partially in Chinese but I think they were talking about entering in God's holiness and trusting everything to Him. even if we know that we might die a few minutes from that moment, we won't panic if we trust everything to Him. I really hope I can one day accomplish that, I'm still trying to get over my self reliance.
There were lots of songs on the worship service as well and they're really nice songs but i still am looking for that song we sang in high school.
There is also that feeling of relief as if from a heavy burden and you feel like you are somehow carefree and light, I didn't really understood much at that part because it was partially in Chinese but I think they were talking about entering in God's holiness and trusting everything to Him. even if we know that we might die a few minutes from that moment, we won't panic if we trust everything to Him. I really hope I can one day accomplish that, I'm still trying to get over my self reliance.
There were lots of songs on the worship service as well and they're really nice songs but i still am looking for that song we sang in high school.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"The Lord is my light and my salvation, I know that there is nothing I should fear, He is my fortress, He is my shield, from whom shall I be afraid?"
This was a song for mass in our school, the chorus stuck on me because I really feel this way and this is exactly what I need during my down times... I have always been courageous thanks to Him and I shall never fear even death if he wills it. In trouble we sometimes forget to pray to the Lord, as a friend told me, the circumstances might not change but He made us change... I believe him,
"If you realize that everything you have is God's grace then you will be humble"
I heard this when I attended a Worship Service of another religion, I've learned so much that day and this really stuck on me as well. as the one who did the service explained, when the Lord took away Job's possessions did he waver? Job remained faithful to the Lord because he is aware that everything he had was the Lord's grace. Sometimes people forget who they owe things to, Even being proud of being faithful to the Father, you can't brag about that, He was the one who allowed you to sing praises to him, If not, you would have been mute and deaf.
"If you correct conceited people, you will only be insulted, If you reprimand evil people, you will only get hurt. Never correct conceited people; they will hate you for it. But if you correct the wise, they will respect you" (Proverbs 9;7-8)
I think this proverb simply tells us to be wise and accept our mistake by listening to what others teach us. we should not be conceited and learn from our mistakes because only by being corrected and by changing can we wisen up. we are not perfect being and interacting with others means tolerance and learning. different people have different views, each people have different principles, learning things from different people is like stepping up a staircase, every people you interact with gives you new knowledge, therefore we should be tolerant of their views. TOLERANCE...
"A gentle answer quiets anger, but a harsh one stirs it up." (Proverbs 15;1)
sometimes when we are trying to defend ourself, even if we are right but if the tone is aggressive/ offensive, it's taken in as opposing the other party, therefore, taken in as disrespectful and rude. giving a gentle answer is more persuasive and effective. you can make your listener relax because your tone is not offensive and your listener will take your words in and understand it. also with a gentle tone, both of you can settle accounts and produce result unlike if you are answering in harsh tone where both of you will get irritated and won't come to an end unless one is beaten. a very simple matter can become worse or can be fixed, it's up to your tone.
These are few things I believe in and I doubt that anyone can change my views.
This was a song for mass in our school, the chorus stuck on me because I really feel this way and this is exactly what I need during my down times... I have always been courageous thanks to Him and I shall never fear even death if he wills it. In trouble we sometimes forget to pray to the Lord, as a friend told me, the circumstances might not change but He made us change... I believe him,
"If you realize that everything you have is God's grace then you will be humble"
I heard this when I attended a Worship Service of another religion, I've learned so much that day and this really stuck on me as well. as the one who did the service explained, when the Lord took away Job's possessions did he waver? Job remained faithful to the Lord because he is aware that everything he had was the Lord's grace. Sometimes people forget who they owe things to, Even being proud of being faithful to the Father, you can't brag about that, He was the one who allowed you to sing praises to him, If not, you would have been mute and deaf.
"If you correct conceited people, you will only be insulted, If you reprimand evil people, you will only get hurt. Never correct conceited people; they will hate you for it. But if you correct the wise, they will respect you" (Proverbs 9;7-8)
I think this proverb simply tells us to be wise and accept our mistake by listening to what others teach us. we should not be conceited and learn from our mistakes because only by being corrected and by changing can we wisen up. we are not perfect being and interacting with others means tolerance and learning. different people have different views, each people have different principles, learning things from different people is like stepping up a staircase, every people you interact with gives you new knowledge, therefore we should be tolerant of their views. TOLERANCE...
"A gentle answer quiets anger, but a harsh one stirs it up." (Proverbs 15;1)
sometimes when we are trying to defend ourself, even if we are right but if the tone is aggressive/ offensive, it's taken in as opposing the other party, therefore, taken in as disrespectful and rude. giving a gentle answer is more persuasive and effective. you can make your listener relax because your tone is not offensive and your listener will take your words in and understand it. also with a gentle tone, both of you can settle accounts and produce result unlike if you are answering in harsh tone where both of you will get irritated and won't come to an end unless one is beaten. a very simple matter can become worse or can be fixed, it's up to your tone.
These are few things I believe in and I doubt that anyone can change my views.
Dear God,
please protect the people I care for, my parents, my siblings, my relatives and my friends. please give them what they need and protect them from harm. Thank You for such a wonderful day I had and thank You for keeping me safe when I travel. please let the person I'm thinking about right now have a peace of mind because I feel like I've been causing him distress lately. Sorry if I forget to pray at night sometimes and sorry if I do wrong things, please forgive me Lord. Amen.
please protect the people I care for, my parents, my siblings, my relatives and my friends. please give them what they need and protect them from harm. Thank You for such a wonderful day I had and thank You for keeping me safe when I travel. please let the person I'm thinking about right now have a peace of mind because I feel like I've been causing him distress lately. Sorry if I forget to pray at night sometimes and sorry if I do wrong things, please forgive me Lord. Amen.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Don't try to outdo others
according to last Sunday's worship service, he said we shouldn't try to outdo others or it'll only lead us to sadness. trying to outdo others is like saying you're not satisfied with how God created you. It'll only bring you distress because you try to be better, but God loves you the way you are, if He wanted you to be better, He would've made you that way. be glad for how you were created. for example, 14 years ago I was operated on to remove my cyst, for some reason, my thyroid was removed as well, we discovered the removal when I was already 13. the result of that thyroid removal is, my hormones were slowly consumed, thus slowing my growth.
when I was in second year high school,I began to grow because of the hormone therapy. I began catching up on those years, in 4 years time, I grew about a foot in height. But the time it took me to grow, I already made mistakes and did stupid things. I often thought 'what if I were normal' but now, I am grateful for how the Lord made me. if not, I wouldn't have met some people whom I hold dear these days. every-single-mistake I made, every-single-circumstances I've encountered, I'm grateful. It made me to who I am now, and let me meet some really wonderful people, it also made me learn things I wouldn't have if I were normal and I wouldn't have met you. Thanks for reading this and I hope you are happy with what God gave you. He knows what's best.
when I was in second year high school,I began to grow because of the hormone therapy. I began catching up on those years, in 4 years time, I grew about a foot in height. But the time it took me to grow, I already made mistakes and did stupid things. I often thought 'what if I were normal' but now, I am grateful for how the Lord made me. if not, I wouldn't have met some people whom I hold dear these days. every-single-mistake I made, every-single-circumstances I've encountered, I'm grateful. It made me to who I am now, and let me meet some really wonderful people, it also made me learn things I wouldn't have if I were normal and I wouldn't have met you. Thanks for reading this and I hope you are happy with what God gave you. He knows what's best.
Praising God
I read a book by Merlin Carothers (un ata name nia) and it really gave me a new view, his book was entitled "Power in Praise" and it talks about praising God.
In everything that happens, we should thank God, be it a good thing or a bad thing... I believe, that like me, you have always thought of thanking God only for the good things and not for the bad things, you either blame God or grumble about it. never forget that God designed every aspect of our life, those bad things may lead to good things as well if you see the good it has done to you. for example, if it rains when you are out of the house and left your laundry hanging to dry, you should thank God that you didn't forget your umbrella instead of grumbling about the re-wet laundry, well, even if you forgot your umbrella, you should still thank God, that rain feeds the plants giving farmers good harvest, and you, more food.
Grumbling is like being unfaithful to the Lord because you are thinking that God forsake you (or something around that line), well, He gave you problems and trouble simply because He loves you, thank Him and let his perfect plan of your life unfold right before your eyes.
Whatever the circumstances are, never forget that it's God's plan and it's for your own good, He loves you more than anyone does, even the person you love the most, your love can't compare to God's love for that person... never think that God forsakes anyone of us.
According to that book as well, you must accept Jesus as your savior, He died on the cross for the sins He didn't even commit, just for us. People are not made perfect, we shouldn't apologize too much for being human, instead let us have faith that God understands our weaknesses and He will help us as long as we trust in Him... this passage doesn't mean that you can commit as much mistakes as you can simply because you are human but you must do your best to follow God's words and trust that He is your savior. You must be loving, compassionate... agape is a form of love which is a Godly kind of love, it is a willful love, to love your enemy is an example. faith is also from will, your will to believe in something you can't grasp with your five senses. just like a blind person believing there is color and light.
Our prayer must be for praising God, not for selfish wishes. Love God above all and be thankful for whatever His plan for you brings. =dAnDaN=
In everything that happens, we should thank God, be it a good thing or a bad thing... I believe, that like me, you have always thought of thanking God only for the good things and not for the bad things, you either blame God or grumble about it. never forget that God designed every aspect of our life, those bad things may lead to good things as well if you see the good it has done to you. for example, if it rains when you are out of the house and left your laundry hanging to dry, you should thank God that you didn't forget your umbrella instead of grumbling about the re-wet laundry, well, even if you forgot your umbrella, you should still thank God, that rain feeds the plants giving farmers good harvest, and you, more food.
Grumbling is like being unfaithful to the Lord because you are thinking that God forsake you (or something around that line), well, He gave you problems and trouble simply because He loves you, thank Him and let his perfect plan of your life unfold right before your eyes.
Whatever the circumstances are, never forget that it's God's plan and it's for your own good, He loves you more than anyone does, even the person you love the most, your love can't compare to God's love for that person... never think that God forsakes anyone of us.
According to that book as well, you must accept Jesus as your savior, He died on the cross for the sins He didn't even commit, just for us. People are not made perfect, we shouldn't apologize too much for being human, instead let us have faith that God understands our weaknesses and He will help us as long as we trust in Him... this passage doesn't mean that you can commit as much mistakes as you can simply because you are human but you must do your best to follow God's words and trust that He is your savior. You must be loving, compassionate... agape is a form of love which is a Godly kind of love, it is a willful love, to love your enemy is an example. faith is also from will, your will to believe in something you can't grasp with your five senses. just like a blind person believing there is color and light.
Our prayer must be for praising God, not for selfish wishes. Love God above all and be thankful for whatever His plan for you brings. =dAnDaN=
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