Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Praising God

I read a book by Merlin Carothers (un ata name nia) and it really gave me a new view, his book was entitled "Power in Praise" and it talks about praising God.

In everything that happens, we should thank God, be it a good thing or a bad thing... I believe, that like me, you have always thought of thanking God only for the good things and not for the bad things, you either blame God or grumble about it. never forget that God designed every aspect of our life, those bad things may lead to good things as well if you see the good it has done to you. for example, if it rains when you are out of the house and left your laundry hanging to dry, you should thank God that you didn't forget your umbrella instead of grumbling about the re-wet laundry, well, even if you forgot your umbrella, you should still thank God, that rain feeds the plants giving farmers good harvest, and you, more food.

Grumbling is like being unfaithful to the Lord because you are thinking that God forsake you (or something around that line), well, He gave you problems and trouble simply because He loves you, thank Him and let his perfect plan of your life unfold right before your eyes.

Whatever the circumstances are, never forget that it's God's plan and it's for your own good, He loves you more than anyone does, even the person you love the most, your love can't compare to God's love for that person... never think that God forsakes anyone of us.

According to that book as well, you must accept Jesus as your savior, He died on the cross for the sins He didn't even commit, just for us. People are not made perfect, we shouldn't apologize too much for being human, instead let us have faith that God understands our weaknesses and He will help us as long as we trust in Him... this passage doesn't mean that you can commit as much mistakes as you can simply because you are human but you must do your best to follow God's words and trust that He is your savior. You must be loving, compassionate... agape is a form of love which is a Godly kind of love, it is a willful love, to love your enemy is an example. faith is also from will, your will to believe in something you can't grasp with your five senses. just like a blind person believing there is color and light.

Our prayer must be for praising God, not for selfish wishes. Love God above all and be thankful for whatever His plan for you brings. =dAnDaN=

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